Pagina dell'episodio'

1x11 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Meet the Folks: Alan C

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Kids, meet Alan a sweet guy who is a penny pinching (scooby doo)Shaggy look like. He and his girlfriend Katie are planning to have their parents meet,so the Fab Five is off.Carson,after throwing out Alan's bright colored shirts, shows him that pale and earthy colors are better for him, he also buys a dark blue suit for the junior real estate tycoon. Jai assists Alan in buying a small trinket for Katie,they decide on a lovely pendant necklace and Mr.Corey is also given a quick lesson on hosting. Kyan sends Alan to the barber for a haircut and a old fashioned razor shave. Ted takes Alan to a glass shop for the cocktail party that evening where they buy a beautiful set of cocktail glasses and a martini shaker.Ted also teaches how to make canapes,roasted red peppers,mint julep, and good dry martinis.Thom has taken Alan's wide, empty spaces and made them into a dark more modern home. The preparations are foreboding as Alan sped through a touch up shaving cutting himself, as he makes the can

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23 Settembre 2003
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