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1x12 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Neither Rain nor Sleet nor Length of Hair: Jeff T

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Jeff Toale,husband,dad,taxidermist,outdoors man,former model,postal worker, this is a outgoing guy. Except he has one problem he desperately needs a makeover since he has a 30 year mustache and long hair, his wardrobe is atrocious, and he only likes to cook fish.so after doing the initial sweep the fab five split to their jobs.Carson along with Jeff and daughter Christina head off to a outdoor sportsmen clothing store Jeff is given outfits in denim,plaid, and boots.Jai takes Jeff to have his picture taken in an old modeling pose,and Jeff gets a frame and instructions to take a family photo.Kyan convinces Jeff to loose the long hair AND the mustache showing a surprising David Bowie clone. Kyan also gives Jeff skin treatment creams to help with aging. Ted shows Jeff and Christina how to make grilled fish wrapped in a banana leaf after a failed fishing trip. And Thom thrilled at a clean bathroom,lightened up the dark dining room and added new furniture to Jeff's room. The party started

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18 Novembre 2003
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