Pagina dell'episodio'

1x2 - The Littl' Bits

Doctor Snoozeabit

Poster della serie The Littl' Bits

When Chip see Dr. Snoozabit tend to his father's ankle after it got scrapped from his (Chip's father's) falling out of a tree he suddenly decides he wants to be a doctor. At first his father,Chopabit, is against it saying that Chip is going to carry on the famiy tradition of wood-cutting. Chip is still however determined and later pressures Dr. Snoozabit to let him be his assitant. Dr. Snoozabit at first says ""No"" , so Chip decides to wait outside his office in the rain forcing the doctor to comply to his wishes, but only if Chip's father agrees to it. Chopabit must've had a change of heart because the next day we see Chip at Snoozabit's office excited about his first day as the ""doctor's new assitant"" Dr. Snoozabit leaves to get some herbs for medicine. Lillibit thinks that she should stay behind just incase something happens, but Chip assures her and the others to leave everything up to him. Chip is alone in the office when suddenly a man comes in with a sick boy. Chip (who had been

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8 Maggio 1991
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