Pagina dell'episodio'

1x3 - The Littl' Bits

The Old Mill Stream

Poster della serie The Littl' Bits

Willibit and his family, and Lillibit are helping the Bakeabits preparing the pastries and cakes for a wedding. All is going along fine except that for some reason the mill seems to be slowing down. Mr. Bakeabit and Mr. Grumpabit investigate and discover that the reason is because the stream that powers the mill is slowing down to a trickle. Willibit and Lillibit decide to find out whats blocking the stream. While out looking for the source of the trouble the two bits run into Browniebit and Snagglebit along with another little bit kid. The three other kids join in with Willibit and Lillibit to see what the problem is. They soon discover that a bunch of beavers have dammed up the stream. Lillibit goes over to the beavers to ask them to take the dam down but suddenly something scares them off. The children notice a wildcat. According to Snagglebit the wildcat is the beavers' enemy. Willibit, Lillibit, and Snagglebit decide to try and help the beavers get rid of the wildcat. Browni

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15 Maggio 1991
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