Pagina dell'episodio'

1x5 - The Jewel in the Crown

The Regimental Silver

Poster della serie The Jewel in the Crown

With the wedding over and Teddie and Susan safely off on their honeymoon, Merrick once again is harassed and humiliated at the train station. He apologizes to Sarah for all that has happened. The Laytons return to Pankot, as does Susan when Teddie returns to duty, and they resume their normal lives. Barbie Batchelor, who lives with Sarah's "auntie" Mabel, gives Susan a set of silver spoons but she puzzled when they are not on display at a reception for Susan in the Officer's Mess. It is left to Sarah however to break the news to Susan when they receive a signal informing them that Teddie has been killed in action. Meanwhile Lady Manners has arranged, courtesy of her friend the Governor, for Hari Kumar to be re-interviewed about the circumstances surrounding his arrest. Both she and the man assigned to conduct the interview, Nigel Rowan, come away with the belief that Hari was being truthful.

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6 Febbraio 1984
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