Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - The Jewel in the Crown

Ordeal by Fire

Poster della serie The Jewel in the Crown

Having held a memorial service for Teddie Bingham, the Laytons learn more about the circumstances of his death when Susan receives a letter from his commanding officer. It would seem that Ronald Merrick acted quite bravely in trying to save him and was severely injured in the attempt. It again falls upon Sarah's shoulders to take on the family's responsibility and visit Merrick in the hospital in Calcutta. Merrick tells Sarah that Teddie simply could not accept the fact that men from his own Regiment would now be fighting for the Japanese and set off into into the jungle only to walk into a trap. Merrick himself is in constant pain and is scheduled to have an arm amputated. Sarah stays with her aunt Fenny and uncle Arthur, now a Colonel, who have recently been transferred from Bombay. Aunt Fenny arranges for a few young officers to have dinner with them and a newly promoted Major, Jimmy Clarke, seems to take an interest. Everyone rejoices at the news of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

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13 Febbraio 1984
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