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1x6 - Farewell Letter

Episode 6

Poster della serie Farewell Letter

When Aslı tells Ziya that she knows about her past with her mother, a big secret is revealed. Ziya pursues Alanur and the separation letters written by him. While trying to find out who wrote these letters, he tries to explain to Alanur that they are both innocent of their separation. He says that for the happiness of their children, they need to get rid of this anger that has accumulated in them. With Ziya cornering Nevzat, Seher gets more and more into a corner, worried that the end of these emerging truths will touch her. Mehmet learns that Aslı hid the truth about Mina from him and they have a big fight. While Hatice is satisfied with this situation, she has hope that they can leave. While Mehmet and Aslı's love is going through a new test, Hatice can't stand the events anymore and plays the last trump card in her hand.

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3 Aprile 2023
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