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1x7 - Farewell Letter

Episode 7

Poster della serie Farewell Letter

Hatice's suicide deeply shakes the family. Everyone is nervous because of this incident and the nerves are tense in the hospital. Of course, this anger is directed at Asli and Alanur. In this confusion, it will not be possible for Aslı to appease Alanur, who learns about Seher's slap. Hatice's situation on one side and Alanur's boundless anger on the other will once again leave Aslı and Mehmet together. While Mehmet is trying to create an atmosphere of reconciliation, he is not yet aware that he is fueling the war. Alanur's raid on the house puts everyone in a difficult situation. In all this confusion, the best news comes from Mehmet. Aslı is very afraid that Mehmet will understand the past of Ziya and her mother. Mehmet's surprise is like the cure for all problems. Will everything turn out as Asli hoped? Or will life turn everything upside down when Asli thinks she's breathing right?

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10 Aprile 2023
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