Pagina dell'episodio'

1x7 - Undressed

Episode 107

Poster della serie Undressed

""Strip Poker"" (Kyle/Tina, Doc, Z, Jared, Liz) written by Tom Crehan It's strip poker night, and the guys are hyped except for Kyle who find this wrong, and is still in love with Tina. They guys decide to play strip poker, before the girls come, so they could ""warm them up"", and upon seeing them naked, they would want to play too. So they are all in their underwear, when the doorbell rings. Kyle answers, and it's Tina! no! She asks why is he in her boxers, and that's when the four party girls arrive. They ask about the party. Kyle tells them, their is no party and Tina leaves mad. He goes back, put his clothes on where the guys ask him about the girls. He explains that they are going to a party, and the guys are mad that Kyle didn't try to stop them. He then goes off, trying to chase after Tina. [This segment ends, but it spinoffs with the actual Kyle and Tina plot now in the next episode.] ""Love It Or Leave It"" (Annette/Todd) written by Steven S. DeKnight. The day finally co

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3 Agosto 1999
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