Pagina dell'episodio'

1x8 - Undressed


Poster della serie Undressed

The Odd Couple (Cliff/Evan) written by Graham Flasher Evan just met this guy, Theo, and Cliff walks in after a game of basketball. It seems that Theo and Cliff has something in common, Baseball, and it mixes the mood, making Theo leave. Evan is mad, because he didn't get laid, and Cliff calls it even! Evan takes offense saying that Cliff was digging Theo. Cliff denies it, because he is straight, and it drives Evan crazy. Evan gets some advice from a friend, and he tries to confess his undying love, since the first time they met, to see if he is really into boys. Evan leans in for a kiss, and Cliff gives a grin, and laughes because he doesn't fall for it. Seeing Eye Dog (Ross/Jenny) written by Dina Marie Chapman Ross brings home a girl, Jenny, who clings on to him. Ross isn't really into relationships, but Her apartment room burns down, and she asks if she could stay for the night. Ross agrees. Unstripped (Kyle/Tina, Katie) written by Dina Marie Chapman Katie returns home, finds

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4 Agosto 1999
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