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2x12 - Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

The Lawyer

Poster della serie Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

In this episode the team tries to stop a terrorist attack on Washington D.C. As Jack tries to stop the Al Qaida leader Jack learns that his methods come into question when a Civil Rights complaint is filed against him. Jack learns that his methods come into question. The suit against Jack claims that he used racial profiling to arrest the suspect. Now Jack faces the possibility that he will lose his job with the F. B. I. Jack meets with the suspects lawyer to warn her that if she reads her client's note she may open a sleeper cell that may trigger the terrorist attack. Tara begins a relationship with Stanley who will help Sue figure out the hidden messages the suspect is sending. Tara begins a relationship with Stanley who will help Sue figure out the hidden messages the suspect is sending Jack learns that the Office of Professional Responsibility or (OPR) is investigating Jack because the suspect he arrested feels that his Civil Rights were violated.

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4 Aprile 2004
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