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2x13 - Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

The Holocaust Survivor

Poster della serie Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

Sue tries to help a holocaust survivor find the man that killed her parents 60 years ago. Sue realizes that the case soon becomes personal for her after learning what Helga suffered as a result of being in a concentration camp. Sue learns that 60% of the estimated 6 million Jews that were killed were also considered "" Detective "" because of being deaf or having some other kind of handicap. Helga tells Sue that a man named Otto Zimmer killed her parents. As Helga and Sue are playing cards Otto Zimmer is spotted outside Sue Jack and Helga trying to run after the cab to catch him. Helga describes for Sue and Jack what the past 60 years were like for her and realizing that she not only saw her parents and sister killed, she also learns that even the capture of the man that took the lives of her parents and sister are only just the beginning of healing 60 years worth of pain.

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11 Aprile 2004
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