Pagina dell'episodio'

2x14 - Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

The Mentor

Poster della serie Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye

Sue meets Jack and Bobby 's mentor who comes to Washington D.C. to ask for help in tracking a suspect whom Wes Kenner believes brought weapons grade uranium into Washington. Jack, Bobby, and Sue must try to track him down before the uranium is used to make a bomb. Dimitrius acts as a relief supervisor for Ted Garrett who is on vacation. Dimitrius gets in trouble for giving the go ahead to take over see case that began in Washington D.C. 's jurisdiction. Larson doesn't like the way Dimitrius is handling the case due to his lack of experience in dealing with the Russians. The team must go to court to make an appeal to have the case kept in Washington D.C. 's jurisdiction. Tara learns that Jack and Bobby's mentor faked his own death. The team must go to court to make an appeal to have the case kept in Washington D.C. 's jurisdiction. Tara learns that Jack and Bobby's mentor faked his own death. Jack soon figures out that was the only way to learn that help was needed.

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18 Aprile 2004
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