Pagina dell'episodio'

2x49 - Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends

Wailing Whale (7 & 8)

Poster della serie Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends

Rocky has been snatched by a crab-like sea-creature, and is heading straight to a solid rock cliff. Back onboard the Athabasco, Capt. Peachfuzz slips into his diving suit and dives into the ocean, and starts to pick a fight with the sea creature. It in return grabs Capt. Peachfuzz in it's other claw. It continues heading towards the cliff. Meanwhile, back in port, in a tall office building, Pericles Parnassus has a meeting when a man walks in, claiming the Athabasco is heading towards port, and no one's on board. Everyone decides to mourn the loss of Rocky and Bullwinkle, while Parnassus decides to runaway because if the Athabasco hits the building, it'll explode...which is does. Back below, Rocky and Capt. Peachfuzz fear the worse, but all of the sudden, a door in the cliff opens up, and Rocky and Capt. Peachfuzz find themselves on dry land in a strange city. The crab-like creature speaks...in Bullwinkle's voice, and Capt. Peachfuzz concludes that Bullwinkle has been consumed. Rocky p

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20 Maggio 1961
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