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2x9 - Redwall

The Abyss

Poster della serie Redwall

Slagar reaches the abyss and forces the slaves across a rope bridge, cutting it away behind him. There is now no way for Matthias to pursue him. A full day and night behind the pursuers arrive at the abyss and are stopped dead, until Sir Harry comes their rescue by retrieving enough rope to cross the bottomless gorge. At Redwall Abbey the hostages are exchanged, but Ironbeak treacherously uses the diversion to take over a section of the abbey. The citizens of Redwall are trapped without water and are saved when Foremole digs a tunnel. The celebration is short when it is discovered that Ironbeak is attacking the Martin the Warrior Tapestry. Rushing to its rescue the citizens of Redwall are trapped; it was a baited ruse. Ahead of Mattimeo and the slaves are the Badger Head and Bell Rocks in a lifeless wasteland, which scares even Slagar and his rats. The terrible journey is approaching its climax.

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24 Dicembre 2000
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