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3x8 - Ghost Hunters International

The Man in the Iron Mask: Italy

Poster della serie Ghost Hunters International

The team heads to the Fort of Fenestrelle in Turin, Italy. This massive fortress will require the team to climb 4,000 steps to reach the investigation site. There is a prison in which hundreds died, including a man who had been forced to hide his face behind an iron mask as punishment for his crimes. Locals believe this man is haunting the prison and fortress- and one witness claims to have seen the apparition of the man with burning red eyes! In the officer's prison, people speculate that the man with the iron mask was a relative— either an identical twin, illegitimate child or distant relative — to the king. As he was a threat to the crown, he was imprisoned and forced to cover his face. A resident walking his dog once saw the man with the iron mask, and his dog went crazy over it.

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29 Febbraio 2012
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