Pagina dell'episodio'

4x25 - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

The Distorted Past

Poster della serie Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's

Clark reveals that he killed Sherry's parents for discovering the secret behind Infinity, which was being used by Yliaster to change history. He sends Yusei, Sherry and Bruno into a wormhole, in which they are doomed to break up and crash. Sherry uses her card to regain control of the shuttle, but ends up getting sucked out. Yusei and Bruno enter a "warped" dimension in the future, and pass by a strange island (a gigantic, floating, upside-down "metallic fortress", the Ark Cradle), where Yusei is briefly visited again by his father, who warns him of an Ener-D that will destroy mankind, before returning him and Bruno to their homeworld (the Present). Unhappy with Clark's actions, Yliaster erases Clark from existence, which spreads a blast of white light across New Domino City. Another WRGP team, Team Ragnarok, also notices the blast, but were protected by their Nordic God cards. Yusei and Bruno regroup with the other Signers, who were defended from the blast by their Signer marks.

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7 Luglio 2010
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