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5x6 - McLeod's Daughters

Do You Read Me...?

Poster della serie McLeod's Daughters

Incapacitated by an injured foot, a bored Stevie has become addicted to the two-way radio. What was supposed to be a way of her keeping in touch around the farm has become an opened Pandora's Box. Kate is feeling lonely and overworked at Drovers when a fence job on the Drovers/Killarney border sees her having to work with Sandra. She so impresses Sandra that it leads to a job offer: Come and run Kinsella's for her. It's Kate's dream come true but before she accepts she needs to know if Jodi is planning to return to Drover's. Then the worst part – telling Tess. Drag racing and umemployment continue to bring Jodi all kinds of problems while Tess and Nick are still dealing with relationship issues of their own. Living apart may seem like the logical solution but it isn't solving any problems between the two of them and sending all the wrong messages to single women in the district!

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16 Marzo 2005
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