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6x7 - Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

The Martirez & Malek Families

Poster della serie Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Shrewsbury, Missouri (just outside St. Louis) is today's location as Ty makes a home safer for two twins that have birth defects, and they makeover a coffee shop for a man who has cerebral palsy. There are two heroes in this episode. The first is Dawn Martirez who was a much loved Pediactric nurse working with babies and children diagnosed with terminal illnesses. Now she cares for her twin boys. They both have extremely rare genetic conditions. One called 9P minus, and the other is Crouzon Syndrome. The other hero is Sam Malek who has cerebral palsy and employs differently abled individuals to help him in his coffee shop, from which a portion of the profits go to local charities. He hopes that the training will bring some confidence and independence to the people he employs

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9 Novembre 2008
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